
Really good talk yesterday morning out of James about being still before God. Our pastor blogged about it this morning too. As I sat and agreed with everything he said, I also found myself feeling really skeptical about actually having a quiet moment to do this practice. I'm a mom with a nice social life, a home business, several hobbies... there's just not a whole lot of silence. My brain is either replaying past events or thinking about what's next. It's really hard for me to focus on the present. (Probably why we had to come back to the house twice last night for things we forgot to bring with us!)

So today I woke up to Julian already bouncing around and just knew that today was not going to be a day with any quietness. I went to a meeting, dropped off and picked up Juju, went by a shop, made lunch, worked on my Etsy shop, took photos, listed some items, went to get Julian from his daily quiet time... and he was asleep! It's rare, but it does occasionally happen. Now I have 2 choices, flip on TV and catch up with my shows or do that solitude thing. Yeah, I can't tell what tomorrow is going to bring, but today, we're going to go for some quiet time with God.

Psalm 62:1, "I wait quietly before God for my victory comes from Him."  

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sweetybird09 said...

Yeah quiet time is a blessing!

GingerPeachT said...

Be sure to post about how that went so us who are curious will know! haha

(Ri)Charmed said...

I only had about 10 minutes, but it was good. It really shifted my perspective for the rest of the day.

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